Remote sensor that helps find more polluting vehicles - Supreme Court action! The police have been ordered to use the vehicle to detect the pollution levels of vehicles. Radio Radiator Identification (RFID), known as RFID, will be used next month in the capital city of Delhi. The Supreme Court has ordered the Environmental Pollution Control and Control Commission (EPCA) to establish this remote sensing technology. This technology will detect the amount of contamination of vehicles entering the Delhi through the sensor. Identify more polluting vec hicles than the average level and immediately leads to its owner. Speaking at CSSE's 2-day international seminar, Sunita Narain, a member of the EPA, said that sensor-based technology would cause more fears about the polluter. This tool is fitted in the border areas of Delhi . Once a fine is imposed, then the fears among the drivers will be infected. A similar technology has been introduced in China more ...
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